Hoover, S. (2013, July 21). wikimedia commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=28974343
Short Definition:
Barycenter is a theoretical point that has several meanings according to the field in which it is employed:
In mathematics, this is the intersection point between the three medians of a triangle.
In statistics, this is the average of a set of numbers.
In physics, this is the center of mass of a system.
Detailed Definition:
The barycenter is a theoretical point usually with a mathematical value, which has different meanings depending on the field to which it is applied. From its etymology, Barycenter is usually used to express the center or average of a distribution of objects, values or data.
Originally, the mathematician and physicist Archimède introduced and described the notion of barycenter around 300 B.C.E. He first approached it from a physical perspective by stating: “Every heavy body has a well-defined centre of gravity in which all the weight of the body can be considered concentrated."
In astronomy, this notion describes the point around which a celestial body and its/their satellite(s) rotate. The illustration below depicts the barycenter with the red cross in the middle as well as the two bodies of different mass orbiting around it.
Barycenter comes from ancient Greek. Bary: βάρος (báros, “weight”) + center which comes from the Latin of centrum or even earlier from ancient Greek as kentron, κέντρον (single point).
Sample Sentence:
"How well we understand the Solar System’s barycenter is critical as we attempt to sense even the smallest tingle to the web.”