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(Last edited: Friday, 28 April 2023, 6:09 PM)




Short Definition:

Generation of strong and hazardous energy that results from atoms being broken up.

Detailed Definition:

The full process through which energy is released by one body, transported across a space or other intermediary, and then absorbed by another body. The universe is full of radiation as it is a form of energy that is emitted in the form of rays, electromagnetic waves, and/or particles, which are found all over the cosmos. Radiation may be utilized cautiously to learn more about biological and mechanical systems, despite the fact that it can also be harmful to both of these systems.


Radiation comes from the Latin radiare, which means emit rays.

Sample Sentence(s):

High radiation doses are administered to patients during cancer therapy.

Alpha particles are an illustration of ionizing radiation.

Translations of Terms/Concepts into Partner Languages

French: radiation

German: Strahlung

Polish: promieniowanie

Swedish: strålning

Links to Videos/Articles:


(Last edited: Friday, 28 April 2023, 6:09 PM)

The shift in the spektrum towards the red colour can be seen which is called the Redshift

Image Source:

Short Definition:

Redshift is a physical concept which describes a shift in the light spectrum towards the red part of the spectrum which is emitted by distant galaxies. Based on this phenomenon the Hubble Law was concluded which states that the velocity at which the galaxies receded were proportional to the distance and that the redshift increased with the distance.  

Detailed Definition:

This phenomenon was described as an effect of the Doppler shift when it was first discovered by Hubble.  

The Doppler shift is a effect where an observer which moves away from a light source can see light with a longer wavelength than the emitted light (redshift). If the observer moves towards the light source the light appears to have a shorter wavelength (blueshift).  

A characteristic of the universe which was concluded by Edwin Hubble by the redshift is that the Universe is expanding. 

The previously mentioned Hubble Law is the following cosmological velocity-distance law in a equation: velocity = Ho x distance. The variable Ho is the Hubble constant, which describes how fast the universe is expanding and isn´t yet measured.  


Red – German röthe (“redness, red”) 

Shift – Proto- Germanic skiftan (“to divide, change, seperate”) 

Sample Sentence(s):

“Red shift” is a key concept for astronomers.  

Relativistic, gravitational and cosmological redshifts can be understood under the frame transformation laws.

French: Déplacement vers le rouge
German: Rotverschiebung
Polish: Przesunięcie ku czerwieni
Swedish: Rödförskjutning

Links to Videos/Articles:

RemoveDEBRIS Mission

(Last edited: Wednesday, 15 March 2023, 2:37 PM)



A mission under the supervision of the Surrey Space Centre of the University of Surrey (supported by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd., Airbus Defense and Space, Innovative Solutions in Space, CSEM, Inria and Stellenbosch University) that aimed to find the best method of capturing and removing space debris. The project was based on a satellite containing several pieces of equipment (a net, a harpoon, a drag sail and vision-based navigation equipment, as well as a set of targets simulating space debris), which remained in orbit between 2018 and 2021.

The satellite platform for the project RemoveDEBRIS was launched using SpaceX Falcon 9, was delivered to the International Space Station and later deployed into orbit, where a series of experiments on debris removal were conducted, using several pieces of equipment:

  • a space net (ejected by the DebrisSat-1 at the distance of 7 meters from the target, aiming to entangle the targeted debris)
  • vision-based navigation equipment (the DebrisSat-2 is used to identify and track the debris)
  • a harpoon (firing at a 10*10 cm target extending from the platform at the distance of 1,5 m)
  • a drag sail (used to deorbit the platform itself – unfortunately, the sail was not fully deployed during the in-orbit demonstration)


  • French:
  • German:
  • Polish:
  • Swedish:

Links to Videos:



(Last edited: Wednesday, 15 March 2023, 2:38 PM)


Russian state corporation formed in 2015 and responsible for various aspects of the country’s space exploration activities (space equipment, infrastructure, international cooperation, etc.). The corporation is a legal successor of the Soviet space program which existed from 1955 to 1991 and Russian Space Agency founded in 1992.


The name of the corporation “Роскосмос” consists of two elements: “Рос” (abbreviation for “Russian”) and “космос” (“space”).

  • French:
  • German:
  • Polish:
  • Russian: Роскосмос    [ˌroˈskosməs]
  • Swedish:


(Last edited: Friday, 26 May 2023, 5:26 PM)

Image/Video/Audio Source:

Author: Kamila Kopacz

Short Definition:

A Rover is a type of vehicle, operated autonomously or remotely, that is created for planet and moon exploration purposes. The most popular type of rover has 4–6 wheels, a frame and robotic arm with 2–6 degrees of freedom.

Detailed Definition:

A planetary rover is designed to explore an astronomical body (other than Earth). It is a device that was born out of human creativity and curiosity of the surrounding us world. As for now, humanity is limited by the technology we produce, we have only been able to send the rovers to the Moon and Mars. Because there is a limited distance you can remotely control a device, all the currently working in the space rovers are autonomous vehicles. It means they are programmed to explore the surface and collect soil samples for further analysis. The most recognizable rovers are the ones sent to Mars: Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity and Perseverance.


rover - /ˈrəʊvə/, Middle English: from Middle Low German, Middle Dutch rōver, from rōven ‘rob’; related to reave.

Sample Sentence(s):

In 2020 NASA sent another rover, Perseverance, on Mars. Its purpose is the exploration of Jezero crater. 

The winner of European Rover Challenge 2022 was Kalman rover from AGH Space Systems.

Translations of Terms/Concepts into Partner Languages [Multiple fields for entering the translation of the term in each partner language, additional languages can potentially be added, e.g. Russian, Chinese, Portuguese]




der Rover





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